Q: How do I apply to become a referee with WJYS?
A: Submit your information on the West Jordan Youth Soccer Referee Interest Form and the Referee Director will reach out to you shortly.
Q: How much to referees at WJYS get paid?
A1: For U9 – U11 = $20 per game
A2: U13 = $25 per game in the Fall and $30 per game in the Spring
A3: U15 - HS = $30 per game
A4: Assistant Referees (U15 and HS only) = $15 per game
Q: What is the minimum age to be a referee?
A: We give young referees a chance to develop and will take you as young as 10 years old. You may referee a game up to the age group younger than you. For example, a 10-year-old can referee a U9 game.
Q: What equipment do I need to be a referee?
A: It is expected that each referee will provide their own referee shirt, black socks, black shorts, a whistle, and a stopwatch. There are several places online where you can find this equipment.
Q: Is there training available to become a referee?
A: Yes. WJYS partners with IREF to train our referees. This training is required before starting as a referee and annually thereafter. This training comes in the form of online modules which records completion.
Q: When can I take the IREF training?
A: Training is open a few weeks before the start of each season (Spring and Fall).
Q: How many games can I expect to referee in a season?
A: This depends on how many referees we have in the pool and varies season by season.
Q: How do I schedule games to referee:
A: WJYS uses Stack Officials to schedule games and process payments. You will need to download the Stack Officials app or view the Stack Officials website.
Q: What do I do if I have to cancel a game I was scheduled for?
A: If a conflict arises then you must decline that game in Stack Officials.
Q: Are there different rules for different age groups:
A: Yes. Rules can be found under the Coach's Corner menu. Click on the age group you are refereeing